Sunday, September 30, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me!

It's my birthday! Which means that I'm officially 19 now! I got loads of cool presents! All I asked for was a Rubik's cube, because mine was rubbish... I got one... For blondes... With all sides in pink... Thanks...
And I got a badger!!! I called him Charlie! I just had to!
I also got a "TARDIS handbook", a fan with bulls on it, a Hello Kitty plush, a TARDIS mug with a lid! A little purse which says "I ♥ HELLO KITTY", and I got volume 10 and 11 of D-Grey Man! Did I mention the badger?
I'm waiting for my parent's present, which is a Motorola FlipOut, and we'll see what else is gonna come...
I also got one present in advance last sunday. My older sister gave me a bag where my laptop AND my school-stuff all fit in! =)
I took the Nyan Cat Scarf with me to a convention yesterday. People were amazed, but noone dared to ask me where I'd got it from... Well one thing I know for sure: I'm gonna earn a lot of money when I'll sell my crochet stuff there next year!
The Phone-booth CD-thing is from my mom!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

I wear a fez now, fezzes are cool!

So here you have the pattern for the fez. Please note, that the pattern I used for my fez is another one, but my fez is too small and too high, so I changed the pattern. I haven't tried this one, but I hope it's better.

By the way, I have a little something to tell you. I have put all the patterns that I had, that were not in a testing phase anymore, online... Which basically means, you'll have to wait a little while untill the next pattern comes. Anyway I'm busy scanning photos this weekend... Please don't be mad at me... I'll try to put another pattern online, as soon as I've had the occasion to try it. =)

What you need:
-          1x red wool (3-4) (may be feltable)
-          1x crochet hook (3/4)
-          1x scissors

Create a circle with 6sc.
Do 2sc in 1sc for 1r.
Do 1sc in 1sc, 2sc in 1sc for 1r.
Do 1sc in 2sc, 2sc in 1sc for 1r.
Do 1sc in 3sc, 2sc in 1sc for 1r.
Do 1sc in 4sc, 2sc in 1sc for 1r.
Do 1sc in 5sc, 2sc in 1sc for 1r.
Do 1sc in 6sc, 2sc in 1sc for 1r.
Do 1sc in 7sc, 2sc in 1sc for 1r.
Do 1sc in 8sc, 2sc in 1sc for 1r.
Do 1sc in 9sc, 2sc in 1sc for 1r.
Do 1sc in 10sc, 2sc in 1sc for 1r.
Do 1sc in 11sc, 2sc in 1sc for 1r.
Do 1sc in 12sc, 2sc in 1sc for 1r.
Do 1sc in 13sc, 2sc in 1sc for 1r.
Do 1sc in 14sc, 2sc in 1sc for 1r.
Do 1sc in 15sc, 2sc in 1sc for 1r.
Do 1sc in 16sc, 2sc in 1sc for 1r.
Do 1sc in 17sc, 2sc in 1sc for 1r.
Do 1sc in 18sc, 2sc in 1sc for 1r.
Do 1sc in 19sc, 2sc in 1sc for 1r.
Do 1sc in 20sc, 2sc in 1sc for 1r.
Do 1sc in 1sc for 8r.
Do 1sc in 21sc, 2sc in 1sc for 1r.
Do 1sc in 1sc for 8r.
Do 1sc in 22sc, 2sc in 1sc for 1r.
Do 1sc in 1sc for 8r.
Do 1sc in 23sc, 2sc in 1sc for 1r.
Do 1sc in 1sc for 8r.
Do 1sc in 24sc, 2sc in 1sc for 1r.
Do 1sc in 1sc for 8r.
Do 1sc in 25sc, 2sc in 1sc for 1r.
Finish off.

Keeps your hand warm... But your fingers are still free to use a touch-screen cellphone!

With these fingerless gloves, you'll have your hands at a warm place for winter, but as they're fingerless, they won'tkeep you from using your cellphone!

What you need:
-          1x wool (3-4)
-          1x crochet hook (3/4)
-          1x scissors

Chain your desired glove-length + 1.
Do 1dc in each ch for 1r.
Repeat until it fits your wrist without stretching it.
Start crocheting tgt from the bottom to where your thumb will be.
Finish off.
Crochet tgt from the top to where your thumb will be.
Finish off.

STEP 2 – THUMB (not necessary)
Crochet around the whole in sc for 2r.
Finish off.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

You have to admit that it's at least as cool as your iphone!

Admit it, you want one.

 What you need:
-          1x grey wool (3-4)
-          1x purple wool (3-4)
-          1x dark grey wool (3-4)
-          1x green wool (3-4)
-          1x black wool (3-4)
-          1x crochet hook (5/H)
-          1x needle
-          1x dark grey yarn
-          1x green yarn
-          1x black yarn
-          1x scissors

[Ch 9+1.
Do 1sc in 1sc, ch1, turn for 20r.
Finish off.]

Ch 7+1.
Do 1sc in 1sc, ch1, turn for 6r.
Finish off.
Ch 5+1.
Do 1sc in 1sc, ch1, turn for 4r.
Finish off.

[Chain 4+1.
Do 1sc in 1sc, ch1, turn for 1r.
Finish off.]
[Create a circle with 6sc.
Finish off.]

Sew the dark grey part on, then the green screen, followed by the two black button-parts that will be the cross-button and finally the purple A and B buttons. For Start and Select, embroid two dark grey stripes.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Lucky insect, cute toy...

The pattern for the Ladybrid. I told you you wouldn't have to wait for it so long anymore, I spent the last hour of class typing patterns ;)

What you need:
-          1x red wool (3-4)
-          1x black wool (3-4)
-          1x crochet hook (3/4)
-          1x stuffing
-          1x needle
-          1x black yarn
-          1x scissors

Create a circle with 6sc.
Do 2sc in 1sc for 1r.
Do 1sc in 1sc, 2sc in 1sc for 1r.
Do 1sc in 2sc, 2sc in 1sc for 1r.
Do 1sc in 3sc, 2sc in 1sc for 1r.
Do 1sc in 4sc, 2sc in 1sc for 1r.
Do 1sc in 5sc, 2sc in 1sc for 1r.
Do 1sc in 6sc, 2sc in 1sc for 1r.
Do 1sc in 7sc, 2sc in 1sc for 1r.
Do 1sc in 8sc, 2sc in 1sc for 1r.
Do 1sc in 9sc, 2sc in 1sc for 1r.
Do 1sc in 1sc for 8r. (1st bl)
Do 1sc in 8sc, crochet 9th and 10th tgt for 1r.
Do 1sc in 7sc, crochet 8th and 9th tgt for 1r.
Do 1sc in 6sc, crochet 7th and 8th tgt for 1r.
Do 1sc in 5sc, crochet 6th and 7th tgt for 1r.
Do 1sc in 4sc, crochet 5th and 6th tgt for 1r.
Do 1sc in 3sc, crochet 4th and 5th tgt for 1r.
Do 1sc in 2sc, crochet 3rd and 4th tgt for 1r.
Do 1sc in 1sc, crochet 2nd and 3rd tgt for 1r.
Crochet 1st and 2nd tgt for 1r.
Finish off.
Sew up the gap.

[Create a circle with 6sc.
Do 2sc in 1sc for 1r.
Do 1sc in 1sc, 2sc in 1sc for 1r.
Do 1sc in 2sc, 2sc in 1sc for 1r.
Finish off. ]
Do this six times.

Chain 2 + 1.
Do 1sc in 2sc, ch1, turn for as long as your ladybird’s back measures.
Finish off.

Chain 2+1.
Do 1sc in 1sc, 2sc in 1sc, ch1, turn.
Do 1sc in 2sc, 2sc in 1sc, ch1, turn.
Do 1sc in 3sc, 2sc in 1sc, ch1, turn.
Do 1sc in 4sc, 2sc in 1sc, ch1, turn.
Finish off.

Sew on the back-stripe, then the spots and finally the head.