Thursday, October 3, 2013

You can never start too early

 Presents are planned for (I'm also writing this down for personal notice):

- Mum ------------------------------------------------------------- CHECK - CHECK
- Dad -------------------------------------------------------------- CHECK - CHECK
- Aileen (oldest sister) ---------------------------------------------- CHECK - CHECK
- Jasmin (2nd oldest sister) ----------------------------------------- CHECK- CHECK
- Martin (older brother) -------------------------------------------- CHECK
- Madlyn (younger sister) ------------------------------------------ CHECK - CHECK
- Armin (younger brother) ----------------------------------------- CHECK - CHECK
- Kevin (boyfriend) ------------------------------------------------ CHECK - CHECK
- Nicolas (boyfriend's best friend) ---------------------------------- CHECK
- Lea (my best friend) ---------------------------------------------- CHECK-CHECK
EDIT: 11th December 2013
EDIT: 17th December 2013 

EDIT: 22nd December 2013 :
EDIT: 26th December 2013
EDIT: 09th January 2014 :

Sunday, September 29, 2013


It was awesome!!!
I sold enough items to earn twice the amount of money I spent on material!!!
Unfortunately I can't show you a picture right now, but I'm working on it!!!
And I'm preparing a video to talk about my amazing weekend!!!

As soon as that's ready, I'll complete this post :)

x Evelyn

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

This is going to be a little different

Hello everyone! I am going to write the rest of this post in French, because it is mainly aimed at the people who will be coming to the Nekonvention!

Bonjour tout le monde!

Vous voulez une petite preview de la table? La voici:

Comme ça vous avez une idée de ce qui vous attend. Il en manque encore, mais c'est une grande partie.
Si vous arrivez et vous vous dites "Zut! Elle aurait du faire [insérer objet ici] aussi!" n'hésitez pas à me le dire! J'aurais un carnet avec moi pour prendre des commandes. (Ne vous inquiétez pas, ça ne va pas vous couter plus, juste parce que vous m'avez demandé de le faire, le calcul pour le prix restera le même. Par contre, s'il faut vous l'envoyer par poste, il y aura les frais de port à compter. Si vous voulez économiser sur ça, demandez quelque chose qui ne sera pas plus lourd que 2kg.)

Dans tous les cas j'espère voir un max de gens et surtout, offrir des sourires à certains d'entre vous! :)

J'ai hâte!


Saturday, August 24, 2013

Nekonevntion and VEDS

You know what? The Nekonvention is just about a month away!!! And the newsletter has been released recently! I am in it! If you are here because of the link in that newsletter: Bonjour! J'ai le plaisir de vous/te présenter mon blog et j'espère que je vous/te verrais à la Nekonvention!
I am trying to fit more into the bag of stuff even if it's not easy. Wanna have a look at the content of it?
Here you go:
Sorry about the quality... You probably know the problem with low lux... Can't see it all? I hope so! There's supposed to be a little bit of surprise left!
I have a lot of stuff to do left. Someone requested a Moogle plush. If you're coming to the Nekon and would like something special, don't hesitate, say it now, if I find the time I'll make it! (Don't worry, won't make it cost more) Also I saw someone with a Pokeball hat when I was in London last weekend. I've had the idea before, but I wasn't sure if it was gonna come out the way I hoped, but now that I've seen it "in the flesh" I think I'll give it a go!
Anyway, if you're coming: See you there! Say hi and tell me you've seen my blog! If you're not coming and waiting for new patterns: SORRY!!! I'll post some, I promise!!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Nekonvention

It is done!
I just sent out the reservation for a table at the Nekonvention. I am going to be there with my friend Jade:

We are going to sell loads of beanies and amigurumis. Also jewelry and hair-accessories. I hope that people will come see us and I hope that they will like our work. Even if noone buys anything, I'd love to get some "You made that yourself?!"s and "Wow!That must've been a lot of work!"s. :P

I have a huge bag of stuff prepared and I'm far from done even if I have to find some more stuffing before I can continue. I'll just make some more beanies in the meantime. Do you have any ideas for beanies? I finally finished the last Ninja Turlte hat, Michelangelo, with the orange bandana. And I have two other beanies which you can see here.

I'm really looking forward to this event and I'm going to print out some new flyers for Yarn Date to give out there. Also my sister and I are going to try and find another way of wrapping the things than putting them in boring plastic bags... If you have any ideas, please let me know! I already thought about making paper-bags out of wrapping-paper, but since most of the stuff is stuffed and 3D, that won't work.

Anyway! I'm sure it's gonna be great fun and I really can't wait!

X Evelyn

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Woops... It's been a long time...

Hello everyone!
I haven't been posting a lot lately because I'm quite busy ^^
The nearest big city (Colmar) is having their annual Convention in september. Last year I decided to participate the next time and to sell my stuff there, but then the shop hosting the convention closed down and I thought there would be no more conventions. Turns out I was wrong. The association Kaerizaki (who was co-host) is now taking over the event. Together with Sweet Lolligoth they are going to host this year's Nekonvention.
The website is only as far as announcing the event, so I haven't been able to book a stand there yet, but as soon as they make that option available, I'll be there!
That's what I've been working on lately. I've been making loads of stuff to sell at the convention:
 I wanted to try these curls so I made some and created a beanie to go with them.
 Who doesn't like Jack Skellington?
 A Kumihimo bracelet among many.
 A chinese Staircase that has friends in the box.
 Teenage mutant ninja turltes, teenage mutant ninja turtles ♫
The hill of pink is made out of Crochet Hairbows. And on the left side we have a selection of the bracelets I've made.

Although, I'm far from being finished. And these pictures don't show everything I made. I'm also gonna make pouches fro PS Vita, 3DS and 3DS XL. As well as iPhone-cases. Wish me luck?

X Evelyn

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Peter Pan Collar - Crochet

My little sister is really into lace collars right now, so I decided to make her one. This is what it looks like:

I used the video tutorial by Yolanda Soto Lopez on Youtube. I asked my siter if she wanted that last row in black too, to frame it and she said that if anything, she'd prefer a border in really pale pink if I had any. I told her that I didn't have any pale pink.
This morning however I went to my stash-stroller to pick up another ball of white and found some really pale pink. I was nearly finished with the last row back then, so I decided to add one more row.
My sister said she liked the fact that my collar turned out pointier than Yolanda's so I decided to accentuate that.
The picture might not be well enough lit for you to see exactly what I did, so I'm gonna explain it.
I basicaly single-crocheted around with the pink, and added picot-stitches. I made one picot-stitch on top of every double-crochet post and one in each V-space (2sc, Ch3, 2sc).
Once this was done, I thought that a little bow could perfect this. I took the black wool again to make one and attached it to the button. (In a way to make interchanging possible).
The bow is very simple to make: It's made around a magic circle. Starting from that circle you have to make a ch5, 3dc into the circle, ch5, slip-stitch into the circle. And do the same thing a second time. Then you finish off and when you pull on the string (the one from the beginning, not the one you just cut off) the hole closes and you have a bow.
This way you can slip it over the button and embellish the collar. I made another two bows int white and pink so that she can choose according to her mood:
My sister even agreed to model the collar for you!
She also put one of the bows into her hair, as you can see, by attaching it to a hair-clip.
Here's a close-up on the collar one last time before this post is finished!
I hope you like this little accessory! Feel free to send me pictures if you make one too! You can send them to me via Twitter @ChibiHako!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Spiderman Doll - Crochet

I've been planning to make a Spiderman doll for a very long time. So today I went to see my friend Google and asked him for a picture of Spiderman where I could have a nice clear view on the costume. I found this one and am going to use it:
I thought I'd take advantage of the nice weather and crochet outside. I set up my chair and everything.
As soon as I was ready to sit down and get going, this happened:
An evil big cloud came and blocked out the sun. Fortunately it left about 15 minutes later and I was able to get some sun onto me.
Anyway! Here comes the Spidey-pattern!
What you need:
- 1x red wool
- 1x white wool
- 1x black wool
- 1x blue wool
- 1x crochet hook
- 1x scissors
- 1x stuffing

Create a circle with 6sc.
Do 2sc in 1sc for 1r.
Do 1sc in 1sc, 2sc in 1sc for 1r.
Do 1sc in 2sc, 2sc in 1sc for 1r.
Do 1sc in 3sc, 2sc in 1sc for 1r.
Do 1sc in 4sc, 2sc in 1sc for 1r.
Do 1sc in 5sc, 2sc in 1sc for 1r.
Do 1sc in 1sc for 7r.
Do 1sc in 4sc, crochet 5th and 6th tgt for 1r.
Do 1sc in 3sc, crochet 4th and 5th tgt for 1r.
Do 1sc in 2sc, crochet 3rd and 4th tgt for 1r.
Do 1sc in 1sc, crochet 2nd and 3rd tgt for 1r. 
Folded in half.
RED - BLUE (change as the suit goes)
[Continue where you left off at STEP 1]
Do 2sc in 1sc for 1r.
Do 1sc in 1sc for 7r.
Do 1sc in 1sc, crochet 2nd and 3rd tgt until the gap is closed.
Finish off.
Sew up the gap.
Create a circle with  6sc.
Do 2sc in 1sc for 1r.
Do 1sc in 1sc for 5r.
Do 1sc in 1sc, crochet 2nd and 3rd tgt for 1r.
Do 1sc in 1sc for 2r.
Crochet 1st and 2nd tgt for 1r.
Finish off.
Sew the gap onto the body where you want the arm to be positioned.

Create a circle with 6sc.
Do 2sc in 1sc for 1r.
Do 1sc in 1sc, 2sc in 1sc for 1r.
Do 1sc in 1sc for 6r.
Do 1sc in 2sc, crochet 3rd and 4th tgt for 1r.
Do 1sc in 1sc for 2r.
Crochet 1st and 2nd tgt for 1r.
Finish off.
Sew the gap onto the body where you want the leg to be positioned.
CAREFUL!!!! If you want him to hang like mine (read on), you need to put pebbles into the legs, otherwise the head will be too heavy and he will hang upside down.
Create a circle with 4sc.
Ch1, do 2sc in 1sc for 1r.
Ch1, do 1sc in 1sc, 2sc in 1sc for 1r.
Ch1, do 1sc in 2sc, 2sc in 1sc for 1r.
Finish off.
Sew onto head.
Chain 35.
Finish off.
Attach to one hand and attach the other end to a lamp or other.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Tuesday's Tallies A Day Late!

I stood awake until 4am on Tuesday to try and reach 30 squares. I hit 28 and went to sleep.
Here's a picture of my left forefinger after this madness:
I have decided on wednesday, that I will not making the RedHeart June Challenge Motif Shawl. Instead I will do something else... something summer-y... I don't know what yet. Maybe inspiration will hit me in the next couple of days...

The next couple of days went nearly the same. Until yesterday (Tuesday). I made my last square yesterday and started sewing the last frame onto the blanket. Right now (Wednesday, 2.50pm) I have only 16 squares left. Out of a total of 64 (for that last frame). I hope to be ready for a big Ta-Dah soon.
As soon as I'm finished sewing, I'll give the blanket into my mum's hand who will then take over the rest of the work, the brim. It might however take a while as she had her first chemo this morning. I don't mean that she might not be in shape to crochet, but maybe not in the mood.
Here it is! (10.20pm) I just sewed on the very last square! I have no idea how I'm going to make the whole thing fit into the picture once the brim is around...
Check out all the other One-A-Day-ers on Gingerbreadgirl's blog! Click here!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tuesday's Tallies - One, er Oops... Some a Day

I just noticed that I completely forgot to tell you that I'm still working on my afghan! I've been so busy waiting for nice weather to take pictures of it with my 35mm Reflex camera, that I forgot to blog about it!
I got it from my dad, he hasn't used it in 20 years. I'm using my first film, so I don't know yet in what kind of state the Reflex is, 32 more photos to shoot, before I know.
The 56 squares I made for the latest round that you can see here:
I'm working on the very last frame of squares right now:
I have ten squares and these balls left.
I need 50 more to have my frame complete. And I set myself a goal... I want to finish this frame of squares and sew it on by the end of the month.
You may ask why. I'll tell you why. Because of this: Circular Motif Shawl Challenge
I really want to participate in that challenge and succeed. So I have today and three more days to crochet 50 squares and sew them on.
Wish me luck!!

PS: If you want to joi in on One A Day, you can look at this blog: GingerbreadGirl

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

New Sackboy-dolls

I made these during the last couple of days (5 days?) for Mark Robb (MarkIsRealBored on YouTube) and his girlfriend Jessica.
Here's Mark:
Go check him out on YT. He vlogs and sings. And he's really good!
And here's his girlfriend, Jessica:
I also made this hat for Mark:
If you want to know how I made the hat, the bat or the earflaps that you can't see, ask! :D

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Camp NaNoWriMo - Tuesday's Tallies

The last 8 days have been going like this:

Make a cup of Chocolate-milk (only since I got lactose-free milk) or tea.

Open Office Word.

Open YouRepeat with this song: Getting Productive

Put in both earphones and turn the volume high, to make sure noone disturbs your productiveness.

Stare at the blank page and think "Why did I sign up for this?"

Watch a movie.

Actually get inspired and type around 500 words.

Be proud of it, even if you didn't achieve your daily goal.

Again! If you'd like to read my Camp NaNoWriMo story, you can do that here and if you'd like to see my stats on the story, you can do that here (should work).

By the way. I passed the 3K mark yesterday. I am now (today not included) at 3035 words. That's only 16,965words remaining until I reach my goal of 20K.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Camp NaNoWriMo

If you want to know what my story is you can go here: Discovering Disney or here: Camp NaNo if you want to see my stats.
I hope you like my story.
ATTENTION! This is /MY/ story! If you use it in any way or make it seem like it's yours, I will be /VERY/ cross with you! Unfortunately I can't say that you would risk anything, because I can't actually sue anyone who claims that it's his, since I don't really have proof... Except perhaps the date of publication!
But /PLEASE/ respect my work. /MY/ work. Thank you.

Projects for Events

My friend Florian (the one I made the puppet for) has his birthday soon, so I'm trying to figure something out. I had an idea in mind, but I won't be able to make that... :(
What's more is that my friend Léa aksed me to be her maid of honor as she's planning to get married to her fiancé some time soon. I have an idea of what I could make for her. She (they?) already knows what her hubby-to-be will get: my Tom Baker scarf. It's beautiful, and I really love it, but it's just too long and too heavy for me... :(
Apart from that Mark Robb (aka MarkIsRealBored on youtube and twitter) finally purchased a PO box! So I'll be working on the stuff I wanted to give him. That is a sackboy doll of him and a Batman hat! He really likes batman!
I got these today and I'll see what I can make of them. The black and cream are actually 100g skeins of 3mm yarn, which makes me really happy, because that will make it so much easier to crochet sackboy dolls. Before I always used 3mm yarn (because I had nicer colors in 3mm) and the skin was 4-5mm yarn from Zeeman, but with this I'll be able to make all 3mm dolls! Yay!

One A Day Project - Tuesday's Tallies

Finished sewing on all of the squares.
Made two rows of inner rim.

Started striping.
4 rows
Scratch that out, I unravelled them.
I'm cheating this weekend, since I can't carry such a big, heavy project around with me, my mum is taking over, she's making a large rim all around:

What my mother achieved over one weekend of me being away.
+ 7 rows of rim.
And the decision to leave the blanket's completion to my mum for Camp NaNo's sake.
So... There you go. Official Declaration. April will be left to a minimum of crocheting and a MAXIMUM of writing!
(Find me on Camp NaNo's website under the nickname of "Nerdygurmi")

Only 496 words for Camp NaNoWriMo... :/
Oh and this:
 21 skeins of wool. All the colors I used so far for the blanket. The project of making it to use up the scraps, failed, I had to buy more wool to continue... This came for a total of 24,57€. That's 3 skeins for 0.99€ and the other 18 for 1.20€ each. My mum's gonna have fun!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

One A Day Project - Tuesday's Tallies

A trip to the city and this purchase:
+ 2 dark blue squares

+ 8 squares

+ 0 squares

+ 0 squares

+ 0 squares
(went away over the weekend and left wool at home to lessen my luggage)

+ 2 squares

 + 2 squares
The last two squares!!!

Positioning and sewing:

All forty squares.

Where they will be sewn on.

Current Status:

23 out of 40 squares sewn on.

See you next Tuesday ;)