So I decided to make her a bunch of stuff. If you've seen the You can never start too early post, you might have seen the blanket, hat and mittens I made for the little being. (It's the "Wrap-Unwrap - Léa" video)
I just can't stop wanting to make her stuff, so I decided to finally ask my mum how to knit a jumper and made her one.
Here are some pictures:
I took these on January the 25th. I know it looks kinda short, but it's actually the right length, it's just a bit large round the belly/bust.
I had to continue increasing until there was enough underarm-space to freely move, which made the whole jumper look a bit ... well... huge.
Here are some pictures of the finished jumper that I made on January 26th:
I case you hadn't guessed from this, her name's gonna be Océane. |
This is a Top-down raglan jumper. I know of only one tutorial on youtube that shows you how to make one, and I don't understand it, because there's way too much to calculate... But I'll link to it anyways: This is just part 1, there's 5 in total. If you understand the tutorial, enjoy the knitting, if not, I'm sorry.
Anyway! I cast on 42 stitches. 40 stitches for the raglan, and 2 border-stitches for the gap. I divided them into 4 equal sections (of 10) and Did and increase of 2 stitches in each corner every 2nd row until it was large enough to fit under the arm. Then I separated the arm-bits and continued knitting the bust/belly section and finished it off with a kkpp rib. I then knitting the sleeves and decreased 2 stitiches every 4th row. Ending with 34 stitches and a kkpp rib.
If this doesn't make any sense, then I'm sorry ^^"
x Evelyn