Thursday, July 31, 2014

Weaving bags

So I've spent every workday's morning of the last six weeks at the local daycare for work experience. And I've been watching kids day in and day out using frame looms to weave mini-carpets which the educators would sew into little purses or wallets. I thought that was great, because I used to do a lot of weaving when I was a kid, but I never knew what to do with it... I just made a load of Barbie carpets... So when I was finished with work experience, I really wanted to get my frame loom and weave myself a bag, so I went looking... I looked really everywhere... And really long... And then it turned out we'd sold it on eBay a while ago... So I went looking on eBay what people want for one and my dad said it wouldn't be worth it to order one for 10€ or more if he could just build one.
So he did.
Of course when I got it I immediately had to use it even though I didn't have a proper weaving needle yet. (I used a really long needle that I bought ages ago that's apparently meant for sewing closed sacks of grain)
The color-sheme that far made me think a bit of Fisher Price... Well... For a long time the whole coloring made me think of Fisher Price, because I was used to having kids weaving on frame looms (myself included) with whatever scraps of yarn they can get and that often includes (nearly exclusively) colors that people found too boring/ugly/unpleasant to knit/crochet with so they gave it away.  Which gives a completely different image. More wonkiness, more irregularity, less color... 
But hey! In the end I really fell in love with my bag. Since I finished it, I've worn it out both times I went somewhere! :D
See for yourself what it looks like:
Obviously front and back don't look the same, but I really like that random look the different length stripes give it. :D
I was really looking forward to that aspect, even though I did have a lot of roughly-the-same-size stripes... And I had to really force the "random" look in the color-order... I'm not good at random...
Anyhow... Instead of working on everything else that had to be done, I made a wallet to go with the purse. And I also really like that. I sewed on buttons for closing and they make it look SO CUTE!
Why the hell are you turned?! This is not the way you're supposed to be!
See how cute it is?! I also made a picture of it with some money so that you can have an idea of its size. I'm really pleased with myself!
However, this morning when I used both to transfer money from my French bank account to the German one to get it changed into British Pounds for the travel next week, I realized that if I were to put coins into the wallet, they could slip through the slits inbetween the strings of yarn. So I tried to think of a solution to that problem and I found it:
I lined it with a (very simply and POORLY sewn inner pouch made of fabric). Both the wallet AND the purse. Look!
I didn't really know how to properly show off the inner lining of the wallet, so you'll just have to imagine it looks kinda like in the purse...
And before anyone asks/wonders: Yes, that fabric is from IKEA. Hush.
If you're interested in how I did this, I'm planning on doing a video about it on my Youtube Channel. As soon as I upload it, I'll put a link to it here. :)
x Evelyn

I also took a picture of the WIP on my phone (hence the bad quality and wrong coloring) with my toothbrush next to it as a size-comparison (I didn't have a matchbox handy, otherwise I would've used that...)